A PregnancyMOT offers you the peace-of-mind that everything really is ok or – if it’s not –
address any potential problems while they are only minor.
During your pregnancy we recommend a PregnancyMOT Check with a Women’s Health Physio to guide
you to exercise safely during pregnancy, help manage any back, groin or hip pain and help you prepare for birth. This is suitable for women with symptoms or for women who want a check-up with advice and preventative information.
The 60min Pregnancy MOT check includes:
- Posture, Back and Pelvic Your growing baby changes your centre of gravity which will affect your posture. If you experience with back and pelvic pain or other joints or muscular problems, we will discuss a treatment plan to help manage it.
- Pelvic Floor Muscle internal assessment (optional). You will be taught how to connect and to correctly strengthen and relax your PFM to be leak-free and prevent other pelvic floor dysfunction.
- Abdominal Separation Check (Rectus Abdominis diastasis) which is common with pregnancy and advice on abdominal safe strengthening.
- Exercise and Fitness advice to stay active throughout your pregnancy and the modifications needed whether you are an athlete or just starting a routine.
- Provide information for labour including perineal massage and discussion to assist you with your birth plan.
- Discuss a plan of care and treatment options as necessary to feel well and healthy during your journey towards the birth of your baby.
Along with:
-Advice on labour including comfortable positions, the risks and benefits of medical interventions to your pelvic floor and how to prepare your body for labour (performing perineal massage.)
-Advice on how to minimise the risk of abdominal separation throughout pregnancy (teaching you how to perform safe abdominal exercises.
-Exercise tips. Knowing what is safe and unsafe during pregnancy and what’s advisable after giving birth
-Helpful tips following immediate birth, before your 6 week check. Includes: how to manage swelling, using the toilet, how to begin engaging your pelvic floor and scar management.
-This check is still relevant for ladies who are having a planned c-section delivery.
Laura is always happy to have a chat if you are unsure whether a Postnatal MOT is for you. For any questions, or to book, call 07738224861 or use the contact form HERE.