Why come?
The three most common reasons to have a FullBodyMOT are:
- you’re taking up a new sport, activity or physical challenge, or you’re ramping up the intensity of your existing training regime
- to kick start a healthier lifestyle, if you need advice or motivation to get you heading in the right direction
- you have a recurring injury or niggle, muscle soreness and/or tightness, or you’ve noticed a restriction in your range or quality of movement
What will it be like?
The hour appointment will be individualised to you. First we will discuss your objectives for the session, followed by a detailed discussion of your health and fitness history.
The physical examination will vary depending on your goals or issues but may include an assessment of your posture, pelvic floor, strength and range of motion, if necessary we’ll look at any injuries/or pains you may have. We will discuss what you are doing now and what your goals are so that we can put together the pieces of the puzzle to help you reach success.
We can take the assessment into the gym environment if we feel that is best suited to get the most from it. We can use the body composition monitor if fat loss/muscle gain happens to be part of your goal.
Results and benefits
You will leave the appointment with a plan to address any underlying issues (including specific exercises), suggestions on nutritional changes where necessary along with a meal planner, exercise plans/programme ideas with your own check list, lifestyle modifications and finally a whole lot of motivation to help you reach your goals.
Should follow on treatment be required, such as massage, manual therapy or acupuncture, this will also be discussed and arranged.
Laura is always happy to have a chat if you are unsure whether a Full Body MOT is for you. For any questions, or to book, call 07738224861 or use the contact form HERE.